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WordPress has issued an urgent update to fix a security breach in one of its plug-ins.

WordPress has issued an urgent update to fix a plug-in security breach. Users are advised to update their WordPress installations immediately to protect against potential security threats.

As of right now, we have just discovered the vulnerability through our own security testing procedure and have no proof that it has been used. We don't think that this vulnerability exposed any store or customer information. We remedied the issue for all websites hosted on, Pressable, and WPVIP right away by deactivating the affected services. Beau Lebens, WooCommerce's Head of Engineering

In other words, there's a reason WordPress is so widely used. It's inexpensive, user-friendly, and excellent for blogging. However, if your company will probably want extra features like SEO tools and e-commerce, it's essential to use a website builder that doesn't rely on unreliable plug-ins to perform.

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