I believe I have been involved in web development for quite some time. And I have seen some stuff, I tell you. However, I have been feeling a certain way lately about supporting WordPress—and not even about WordPress per se. No, what's really frustrating me are those other WordPress developers.
Let me start by saying that WordPress is a reliable platform. It is adaptable, configurable, and user-friendly. However, I must admit that collaborating with other WordPress developers can be really difficult. At times, it seems like I'm the one doing all the work and they just take a seat and get paid.
I don't mean to be critical, but some of these so-called devs aren't doing their share of the work. They quickly put out a crude website, demand a hefty fee, and then vanish when things go wrong. It seems as though they have no regard for the people they are meant to be serving.
And let's not even talk about those renegade programmers. They break the code, act as though they own the area, and then want me to clean it up for them. It is, in essence, insulting.
I take great satisfaction in my professionalism and work ethic. I take the time to complete tasks correctly, interact with clients, and create excellent websites. However, it's challenging to accomplish that when I have to deal with these jerks that have no regard for the trade.
Not all WordPress developers are the same, mind you. There are many wonderful people in the world who treat people with respect and take pride in what they do. However, you understand that it only takes a few bad apples to ruin the whole bunch?
I've therefore decided to no longer provide WordPress assistance. Making this decision is difficult because I am aware that there are those who could use my services. But the turmoil and problems that come with working on the platform are just too much for me to handle.
I'm refocusing on web development tools and platforms that more closely match my work ethic and ideals. It's a new chapter in my life, but I think it's the best thing for both my company and my sanity.
I'm not angry with WordPress per se. It's a strong platform with lots of promise, as I mentioned. But in the end, I have to act in my clients' and my own best interests. And for now, that means veering away from the WordPress development industry's wild west.